CSEngine - Game Engine Project
CSEngine - Game Engine Project

CSEngine - Game Engine Project

Cross Platform
Game Engine
As it is under development, it is not yet suitable for practical use.
notion image
CSEngine demo (available on devices supporting WebGL 2.0 or higher)
CSEngine rendering demo (deferred + forward rendering)


Platform Windows 7 + Ubuntu 18.04 + Android 4.3 + iOS 12 + macOS WebGL 2.0
CMake 3.15 + 
C++ 14 or higher
C++ CMake 3.15 + C++ 14 or higher
Compiler MSVC 19.0 + gcc 4.9 + clang 7.0.0 +
OpenGL - Core : OpenGL 3.1 + - ES : OpenGL ES 3.0 (WebGL 2.0) + - GLSL : GLSL ES 3.0 +
Architecture x86_64 arm64 (v7, v8)

Engine Features 📌

@Engine Features

3rd-Party Copyright & Licence📜

  • GLEW : Modified BSD License, the Mesa 3-D License (MIT), Khronos License (MIT)
  • GLAD : The MIT License (MIT)
  • GLFW : zlib License
  • IMGUI : The MIT License (MIT)
  • stb_image : The MIT License (MIT), The Unlicense (Public Domain)
  • Squirrel Script : The MIT License (MIT)
  • kuba--/zip : The Unlicense